[ xenaogirl ]


Once upon a time, back in 2010-2012, a nine or so years old girl named Ariel Naomi Barrera Núñez installed a dj app on her phone to start making mashups like the ones she watched on YouTube. She later transitioned from her mobile to Virtual DJ 7, recording her work. She signed up in Soundcloud under the name of #######, and started uploading her stuff. Unsurprisingly, her mixes wouldn't get any views beyond 50.

Years later, she got her hands on Ableton. She didn't understand it, no tutorial helped her little tiny brain to get it. She thought to herself, "This software is not user friendly, I give up". So she did.

A couple of weeks passed, and she found out about FL Studio. She got it. She was older, so she was able to understand whatever she was doing. She tried to make a remix for a remix contest and it was really really bad. So she said to herself, "I'm not made for this". So she gave up.

It's 2019 now, and she started to make music "seriously". but no FL Studio involved, no Ableton, no Virtual DJ. Only her voice and her guitar. That's when she started making acoustic music as ########. She uploaded three tracks to her YouTube channel and got some views. But suddenly, she realized she could make LoFi Hip-Hop, that genre she discovered a couple of weeks ago. So she tried again to make a remix. She chose 'Ghosting' by Mother Mother, put it into FL Studio and started to work. Days later, she finally had it, a track made on a DAW that she was satisfied with. She uploaded it to her channel and Soundcloud and got much better views.

But Bipolar II Depression, as diagnosed at the time, hit. Her mental health was not good. She got diagnosed with Depression back in 2017. In 2018, she got diagnosed with Major Depression. And in 2019 she got diagnosed with Bipolar II Depression. And that exact year was not the best, in fact was the worst. After a lot of fighting with her emotions and thoughts, in July, Ariel deleted her channel, erasing from the Internet her music and her other videos. Rest in piece to those acoustic songs, as now they are lost forever. The only track that remains is her 'Ghosting' remix.

But in August, she met the love of her life (although, technically they met in 2017). And as hasty as it may seem, she confessed right away, and somehow #### accepted. Ariel was happier than ever, she even got the motivation and inspiration to write and make music again. So, as your boo, she got back to acoustic music, but now with a ukulele. She made some covers, played some of her own songs, it was great, much bigger repertoire than before. Until it was not, eventually she deleted this new YouTube channel. Rest in peace, your boo (but compared to the previous project, a lot of those songs are still saved, in my girlfriend's cloud. Even one of them is uploaded in her channel.)

And now we fast-foward to 2021. Since August 2019, Ariel did work on music, trying a lot of genres. But none of these tracks were being uploaded somewhere else than her cloud. In 2021 however, she made another Mother Mother remix. A "Happy Hardcore" remix. And then again, in 2022, an "Unnerving LoFi Hip-Hop" remix of a Mother Mother song. Both went unnoticed.

But 2022 was different... or at least the end of it. In November, she started to work on something. A Vocaloid Dubstep-Hardcore-WTF-IDK song as a present for the second anniversary of her lovely relationship, awww. Weirdly inspired by food house, Ariel started to write some lyrics about her girlfriend's OCs on the way home from college. Once she got home, she turned on her laptop, opened Vocaloid and started to play around. After days of "hardworking", she finally got a demo. Once December 4th comes, Ariel shows her girlfriend the song, and she allegedly loved it. #### said that this song needed to be streamable. So Ariel said OK, but with one single condition. That her girlfriend will make the artwork. She wanted this song to be something built together.

Now that this song was meant to be in all of the streaming services, Ariel needed to find a new name. One thing first, she did not wanted to use "Ariel", as it's unisex. Instead she wanted to use her second name, Naomi. And with not much thinking, she figured out a name, naophobic. A bit edgy? Probably. Does it work? Nope. But hey, now it's done and she is too lazy to think of another name.

And finally, April 2023. #### made the artwork, and Ariel changed and fixed the gifted song, now called 'DOA', but also made another one, 'tHeYrE dYiNg'. With little to barely no publicity, 'DOA' was out.

... what? That's it. That is all. I guess.

Oh, yeah, you're right. xenogirl comes from the idea that Ariel wanted to make shoegaze-morute music of sorts. She found the inspiration from finding (lol) a FL Studio project from 2020, one that she recovered from her old computer. It's an instrumental shoegaze inspired track that she uploaded to her Twitter account in 2023. It may or may not be released sometime in the future, plus more music. And the name comes from literally her gender.

OK, now we are done. If you read all of that, I'm sorry, but thank you, I guess.

Have a nice day tomorrow, mwah. u3u